Welcome to SPS! PNG's first online health supplement distributor!
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Payment Options

Payment Options:


We accept VISA and MasterCard payments through Bank South Pacific secure gateway. Once you have selected the products which you wish to purchase you will be able to use your credit card without having to leave our website. We do NOT accept AMEX, BankCard or Diners due to their high merchant rates.


2. Mobile Eftpos Device: 

Debit/Visa/MasterCard/CUP (on collection of order)  


3. Bank Transfer:

Account Name: SP Supplements Ltd
Bank: BSP
BSB: 088202
Account Number: 7003455388
Reference: Your First and Last Name (same name as the order)

    PLEASE NOTE: Bank South Pacific (BSP) transactions will be processed straight away. Any other bank will take around 3-4 hours process. 


    4. Cash:

    On collection of order. maximum order of K600.

    Orders over K600 may be cancelled.


    *PLEASE NOTE: SPS ONLY accept bank transfer for orders outside of POM